Who is MidState Rugby?
MidState Rugby Club (aka Cheshire Rugby Club) was founded in 2005 with a desire to grow the sport of rugby in the central CT area. With the love of the sport we have grown over the years offering an elite competitive High School program in the spring. Many of our high school level players continue to play college rugby and beyond.
Our program prides themselves on teaching the foundations of rugby: respect, teamwork, confidence and having fun. MidState Rugby welcomes all new players, levels and abilities. Many kids start new each year and end up loving the sport. Come give it a try!

Our Team:
Where is MidState Rugby?
Midstate Rugby is open to residents in the central section of CT.
MidState Rugby is open to residents of Cheshire, Bethany, Durham, Hamden, Meriden, Prospect, Southington, Wallingford, Wolcott, Woodbridge & all surrounding towns.
Contact Us
Mike D'Andrea - President
Nell D'Andrea - Secretary
Kim Bailey - Treasurer
email: Info@midstaterugby.com